55 Cars for sale Brownsville TN

135,579 mi
135,579 mi3.6L V6 24V VVT8-Speed Automatic4WD
117,276 mi
117,276 mi2.0L Turbocharged6-Speed AutomaticAWD
155,179 mi
155,179 mi3.6L V6 SIDI DOHC VVT6-Speed AutomaticFWD
113,051 mi
113,051 mi3.5L V66-Speed AutomaticRWD
55,396 mi
55,396 mi2.4L I49-Speed 948TE Automatic4WD
86,204 mi
86,204 miI48-Speed AutomaticFWD
115,020 mi
115,020 mi3.6L V6 24V VVT8-Speed AutomaticRWD
23,090 mi
23,090 mi2.0L 4-Cylinder DOHC 16VCVTFWD
123,436 mi
123,436 mi5.6L V8 DOHC 32V Endurance7-Speed AutomaticRWD
141,242 mi
141,242 mi2.7L V6 EcoBoost10-Speed AutomaticRWD
96,630 mi
96,630 mi3.2L V69-Speed 948TE Automatic4WD
29,942 mi
29,942 miI46-Speed Automatic with ShiftronicAWD
76,832 mi
76,832 mi2.5L I4 DGI DOHC 16V LEV3-ULEV70 191hp8-Speed AutomaticFWD
113,901 mi
113,901 mi1.5L I4 DOHC 16VCVTFWD
67,346 mi
67,346 mi3.6L V6 24V VVT8-Speed AutomaticRWD
90,702 mi
90,702 mi3.5L V6 SOHC i-VTEC 24V9-Speed AutomaticAWD
122,486 mi
122,486 mi5.0L V8 FFV6-Speed Automatic ElectronicRWD
248,956 mi
248,956 miCummins 6.7L I6 TurbodieselAisin 6-Speed Automatic4WD
113,857 mi
113,857 miEcoBoost 2.3L I4 GTDi DOHC Turbocharged VCT10-Speed Automatic4WD
222,631 mi
222,631 mi4.7L V8 BiTurbo9-Speed Automatic4MATIC®
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*These estimates reflect new EPA methods beginning with 2008 models. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle. Actual mileage will vary with options, driving conditions, driving habits and vehicle's condition. Mileage estimates may be derived from previous year model.

The advertised price does not include sales tax, vehicle registration fees, finance charges, documentation charges, and any other fees required by law. We attempt to update this inventory on a regular basis. However, there can be lag time between the sale of a vehicle and the update of the inventory. Before purchasing this vehicle, it is your responsibility to address any and all differences between information on this website and the actual vehicle specifications and/or any warranties offered prior to the sale of this vehicle. Vehicle data on this website is compiled from publicly available sources believed by the publisher to be reliable. Vehicle data is subject to change without notice. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors and/or omissions in this data the compilation of this data and makes no representations express or implied to any actual or prospective purchaser of the vehicle as to the condition of the vehicle, vehicle specifications, ownership, vehicle history, equipment/accessories, price or warranties.